FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine



Understanding Transdermal Delivery with Amie Skilton

Apr 27, 18

There is a growing clinical demand to deliver certain nutrients and compounds in transdermal preparations. We reached out to Amie Skilton to go over the finer points of transdermal nutrient delivery. 

Amie_Skilton's picture
Nov 12, 15

Ubiquinol is a reasonably new supplement now approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and therefore available to Australian Healthcare Professionals. Prior to its recent addition to the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) CoQ10 was only available in the form of ubiquinone, both forms, are now marketed as supplemental options for coenzyme Q10.

stephanie_berglin's picture

Major Advances in Curcumin Bioavailability with Dr Michael Murray

Jul 15, 14

Many would be familiar with Dr Murray and his extensive body of work in the field of complementary medicine research. He has published almost 30 books, selling over two million copies, including the seminal clinical reference Textbook of Natural Medicine. He has compiled a database of more than 50,000 scientific studies in the medical literature which provide the strong evidence that natural measures are effective at maintaining good health and treating disease.

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