FX Medicine

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Endurance exercise influences mitochondrial and microbiome crosstalk

GIT microbiota and mitochondrial crosstalk appears to occur primarily via complex endocrine, humoural and immune pathway signalling.

Mar 23, 18

Manipulating dietary macronutrient ratios to maximise athletic performance is an evolving topic of research in sports nutrition. One area of increasing interest in recent years is the effect of a low carbohydrate, high fat diet in endurance sports.

Mar 19, 18

Is rice protein as effective for muscle gain, body composition and power and strength as whey?

Mar 16, 18

What is ubiquinol? How do we make it? What are the food sources and how does it work in the body?

Mar 12, 18

Until recently, most studies conducted on the benefits of exercise have focused on benefits of endurance and aerobic exercise, lacking data on strength-based exercise. 

Mar 09, 18

Inflammation generated by intense exercise may benefit from the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capacity of white willow bark extract

Mar 05, 18

Our microbiota is a complex community of organisms working together to maintain dynamic ecological balance. Of the trillions of bacteria that inhabit the human body, 80% live in the gut.[1] These bacteria are not only essential for normal GI function, but also for systemic processes, brain development and function, behaviour, and cognitive and emotional processing. 

Feb 19, 18

The Mediterranean diet emphasises eating primarily a plant-based diet, with high consumption of fruit, vegetables, legumes, cereals, olive oil (as the primary source of fat), moderate consumption of fish, low to moderate intake of dairy and wine, and a low intake of red meat and poultry.

Feb 16, 18
