FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine



Hemp is such a diverse plant. Here, we explore the nutritional profile of hemp and the opportunities it presents for a sustainable, low intervention, vegetarian-friendly source of quality protein and nutrients. 

May 24, 16

Recent research shows echinacea can reduce recurrent respiratory tract infections by 50% when compared to placebo.

May 23, 16

Recent research is indicating a relationship between low Vitamin D status and the incidence of recurrent cough and respiratory infection. 

May 16, 16
dairy cows in field

Bovine colostrum is rich in immunoglobulins (antibodies), growth factors, various proteins, and enzymes. One of the most interesting components of bovine colostrum is lactoferrin.

May 12, 16
health, immunity, urti, cold, flu, natural medicine

Keeping Daycare and School-age children well in the winter months is a challenge. This study provides some insight into how combining Vitamin C and probiotics can help reduce upper respiratory tract infections in kids. 

May 09, 16

Recent research indicates that food additive consumption and its consequent influence on intestinal permeability may be to blame for the rise in autoimmune conditions. 

May 05, 16

Loading up on Vitamin C is a common approach to colds and flus. Here, Naturopath Amie Skilton shares her advice on navigating the humble "Vitamin C Flush". 

May 05, 16

Despite extensive research, the true value of echinacea may yet be undiscovered. Esteemed German researcher and echinacea specialist Rudolph Bauer believes he knows why science has failed this medicinal herb.

May 03, 16
