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Mentorships: Pathway to Clinical Success with Rachel Arthur and Anna Sangster

RachelArthur's picture

Is mentorship the most overlooked element for driving a clinician to a pathway of success?

In the Australian naturopathic profession, seeking a mentor is becoming more commonplace, but it hasn't always been the case. Mentoring has the capacity to fill knowledge gaps that may be missed through standard, didactic continuing professional development (CPD) approaches.

Fostering a collegiate atmosphere in a peer-to-peer group is what mentorship means to mentoring pioneer, Rachel Arthur. In today's podcast, we are joined by both Rachel and Anna Sangster, to share their own history and experiences with seeking a mentor at varying times in their respective careers. Both share how being the mentor, or the 'mentee' have shaped the clinicians they are today whilst also illustrating that mentorship is not just for new graduates, but an essential ingredient for any practitioner striving for clinical success. 


Covered in this episode:

[00:56] Welcoming back Rachel Arthur
[02:08] How important is having a mentor to fostering clinical excellence?
[11:26] How to seek an appropriate mentor?
[18:34] Rachel's personal mentors
[22:13] From a mentee's perspective: Meet Anna Sangster
[34:24] What is discussed in mentoring sessions?
[39:21] Thanks to Rachel & Anna

Additional Resources

Rachel Arthur
Anna Sangster
Mentoring with Rachel Arthur


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