FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine


Jun 30, 15

The positive health benefits that probiotics provide to digestive health and wellbeing are well known. With the renowned benefits of probiotics embedded in scientific literature, researchers are starting to look at novel uses for probiotics in humans including chronic kidney disease.

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2015 Bioceuticals Symposium Review: Oxidation, Inflammation and Immune Dysfunction

Jun 04, 15

With the help of Dr Mark Donohoe, we will unpack the learning points from the 2015 BioCeuticals Symposium and it's themes of Oxidation, Inflammation and Immune Dysfunction.

Dr Donohoe also touches on the challenges facing modern medicine in the changing terrain of patients who don't fit into a "well-described diagnostic box".

This podcast explores the clinical implications and practical implementation gleaned from the speakers at the 2015 BioCeuticals Symposium. With so much information to revisit, this may be the first of a series.

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Vox Pop from the 2015 BioCeuticals Research Symposium

Apr 15, 15

FX Medicine host Andrew Whitfield-Cook attended the 2015 BioCeuticals Research Symposium and had the opportunity to interview the delegates on their experiences with this educational event. Hear first-hand from attendees their highlights, clinical pearls and light bulb moments.

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