FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine

Laura Miller

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Laura Miller
Laura currently holds a bachelor degree of professional writing and is in her third year of her naturopathic degree. Laura was exposed to the benefits of natural medicine from a very young age and was raised to view food as medicine. This passion has now carried over into her adult life and she is now on a lifelong journey to learn all she can about healing the body naturally. Though all facets of natural medicine interest her, Laura is particularly passionate about fertility, gut health and the mind-body connection.
May 22, 2019

Emerging research indicates that an abnormal gut microbiome is a predisposing factor in the development of neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD).[2,3] A growing number of studies have found that children with ASD have a gut microbiome that differs from that found in neurotypical children, indicating a link between gut and brain function.[4-8]

Jun 01, 2018

Initial research findings indicate that DNA methylation patterns in children can be altered based on the amount of physical contact received from caregivers during infancy, with effects still evident at four and a half years of age.

gut microbiome and diabetes
Apr 14, 2016

People who suffer from gut dysbiosis are more at risk of developing metabolic dysfunction, according to data reviewed by The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.