FX Medicine

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Dr Yael Joffe

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Dr Yael Joffe
In the rapidly-evolving disciplines of Nutrigenomics, Dr Yael Joffe is acknowledged globally as an expert in the field. From her background as a dietitian, she obtained her PhD from the University of Cape Town, exploring the genetics and nutrition of obesity. She is highly sought-after as a speaker for conferences and workshops, tailoring her presentations to the needs of clinicians. She has co-authored It’s not just your Genes and Genes To Plate, has published on nutrigenomics in peer-reviewed journals and has been involved in the development and supervision of nutrigenomics courses around the world. Dr Joffe is currently an Adjunct Professor, teaching Nutrigenomics at Rutgers University and MUIH. She is founder and CSO for Manuka Science and 3X4 Genetics.