FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine



Increasingly, some strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae have developed resistance to certain classes of antibiotics such as carbapenems, by acquiring a gene mutation that helps them to produce an enzyme that creates a resistance to the strongest of antibiotics.

May 17, 18

Fewer herbs are held in higher esteem in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) than astragalus, where it is considered a 'master immune herb'. So how does it exert this effect?

May 11, 18

Research supports that adding a B Vitamin Complex to therapy for vulvo-vaginal candidiasis might benefit treatment outcomes. 

May 04, 18

Research indicates Vitamin D deficiency leaves athletes at higher risk of upper respiratory illness.

Apr 27, 18
Promising results for seaweed as sunscreen alternative

Sunscreens contain inorganic or organic compounds called ‘filters’. These filters scatter and/or absorb ultra-violet radiation (UVR), resulting in reduced photo-ageing and keratoses. Despite these benefits, there are both ecological and human health concerns with sunscreens. 

Apr 20, 18

Calendula officinalis (calendula) contains various polyphenolic antioxidants that have been researched and reviewed in clinical settings. Studies have found inconclusive data that discusses the ability of calendula in the treatment or prevention of radiotherapy-induced skin reactions.

Apr 18, 18

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease that largely affects the skin. It can also be associated with iritis and disturbances in other body systems, such as the gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal systems.

Apr 17, 18

Understanding the aetiology of rosacea and where natural medicine can aid in calming flare ups. 

Apr 09, 18
