FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine



Microbiome Diversity and Faecal Transplants with Dr Johan Van Den Bogaerde

Jul 11, 19

Dr Van Den Bogaerde shares the current scientific opinion on gut microbial diversity and he discusses his excitement about the research exploring faecal microbial transplants

JohanVanDenBogaerde's picture
Feb 25, 19

The intestinal microbiome is a complex signalling hub that incorporates environmental factors, such as diet, stress and xenobiotics, with genetics and immune signals to influence host immunity and response to infection.[1-3] Within the last decade, we have begun to understand the importance of this interdependent bilateral interaction between the host and its microbiota and how its mutually beneficial balance is crucial in host defence and immune health.[1]

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Severe Crohn's Disease: A Patient's Perspective

Apr 06, 16

In this podcast, Andrew talks to Megan Bowness; Founder of a charity called Dream Kicks and a naturopathic student, who has turned her severe and life threatening Crohn's Disease around by integrating complementary and conventional medicine. 

FXMedicine's picture
Nov 26, 15

Even though the liver is considered the primary organ of detoxification, the integrity of the intestinal epithelial barrier must not be underestimated. The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is a major site for dealing with toxic burden. Over the course of a lifetime, the GIT processes more than 25 tonnes of food, which represents the largest load of antigens and toxins confronting the human body.

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Naturopathic Principles of Gut Repair

Sep 02, 15

As a naturopath, nutritionist and herbalist with 13 years experience, Amie takes us through some core Naturopathic Principles that form the vital components of a successful, and wholistic gut repair program.

Amie_Skilton's picture
Oct 31, 14

Dr Mark Donohoe discusses the importance of gastrointestinal microbiome biodiversity for optimal health and wellbeing outcomes in our patients.

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