FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine


May 20, 16

Pete Evans has become the iconic face of the Australian Paleo movement and has changed countless lives by inspiring people to adopt healthier eating practices. In this podcast we talk to Pete about his passion for cooking and creating healthy food. 

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Passion for Paleo with Pete Evans

May 20, 16

Pete Evans has become the iconic face of the Australian Paleo movement and has changed countless lives by inspiring people to adopt healthier eating practices. In this podcast we talk to Pete about his passion for cooking and creating healthy food. 

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Mar 25, 16

An objective, and evidentiary look at the pro's and con's of three of the most well known diet dictums; Paleo, Low-Carb-High-Fat and The Mediteranean Diet.

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Mar 17, 16

Prof. Cordain wrote the best-selling book, The Paleo Diet. We talk to him about the premise behind the Paleo Diet, his take on dairy, and what he eats on a typical day.

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Nutrigenomics: Personalised Nourishment

Mar 09, 16

Ahead of Dr Deanna Minich's visit down-under as a key-note speaker for the 4th BioCeuticals Research Symposium, we caught up with her to talk about personalised approached to nourishment with nutrigenomics.

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Defining Treatment Aims for Methylation, MTHFR & Pyroluria

Feb 24, 16

Belinda expertly navigates the complex nature of patient care for Methylation Disorders, MTHFR and Pyroluria. 

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FX MEDICINE PODCAST: Meet "Student of the Year" Claudette Casey Freeman **BIMA Awards Special Edition**

Jun 25, 15

In this podcast Andrew talks to Nutritionist, Claudette Casey Freeman who recently won the BioCeuticals Integrative Medicine Award (BIMA) for "Student of the Year”.

Claudette, along with juggling the many demands of new-motherhood, is also a regular contributor to many health magazines and also runs the "Nutritional Medicine Practitioners Network", a private Facebook community designed for practitioners of Nutritional Medicine to connect, network and share knowledge.

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Chronic Pain Management

Jun 15, 15

Dr Janet Schloss is a well-known and highly respected Naturopath and Nutritionist who has recently completed her PhD thesis on nutritional supplementation in Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN). Indeed, so powerful were her discoveries during her research that she is now regularly asked to speak internationally to disseminate these clinical implications to improve patient care in hospitals.

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