How do you treat vaginal dysbiosis? In this episode we pick up from where we left off in part 1, and discuss treating vaginal dysbiosis from a holistic perspective.
How well do you know the vagina? Today, we welcome back Moira Bradfield, Naturopath and Acupuncturist, to share her knowledge and passion for demystifying vaginal health
Saccharomyces boulardii is a well-researched immunobiotic, which has been shown to restore intestinal integrity and potentially reduce pathogenic gut microbiota.
Explore the research examining the use of probiotic therapy as a safe and effective alternative to antibiotics in lactational mastitis.
People who suffer from gut dysbiosis are more at risk of developing metabolic dysfunction, according to data reviewed by The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
Dysbiotic gut bacteria have an impact on paracetamol and other drugs' safety lending credence to the clinical relevance of conducting Liver Detoxification Profiles in patients.
It is rare that a single point of treatment or modality is adequate to mitigate risk or resolve illnesses. As such, a multipoint approach is attractive and necessary.