FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine

Tanya Wells

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Tanya Wells

As a qualified Naturopath, Tanya has been practicing for over 20 years. Tanya's special interest and expertise is in the research and development of Integrative Oncology Programs: utilising the best Evidence Based Complementary Therapies to work in conjunction with conventional treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. She has visited and worked in Integrative Oncology Hospitals in Europe and Asia and is continually collaborating with other practitioners to ensure her programs and clinic model are continually developing. Tanya is an experienced lecturer at tertiary level, including at Southern School of Natural Therapies and Endeavour College, as well as the Faculty of Medicine at Monash University. Tanya has written and presented a range of 'Drug-Herb/Nutrient Interactions' seminars for Medical, Pharmacy and Nursing Professionals in Integrative Medicine. She is a contributing author to a range of clinical textbooks.

Dec 16, 2020

Naturopath Tanya Wells discusses the full gamut of ways to support cancer patients once they have finished treatment.

Jan 29, 2020

Tanya Wells discusses the role of oestrogen in ER+ breast cancer, taking us through oestrogen clearance, genetics, how to support clients with this type of cancer, and how to prevent reoccurrence after remission.