FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine



Understanding Gilbert's Syndrome with Maria Allerton (née Shaflender)

Jul 22, 21

Maria Allerton (née Shaflender) talks to us in depth about Gilbert’s syndrome, speaking both from vast clinical experience and personal perspective. 

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The Dental Diet with Dr Steven Lin

May 25, 18

As a dentist, Dr Steven Lin is witnessing the relationships between dental health and systemic health and/or disease. It has prompted him to re-examine the underlying causative factors and resulted in him writing a book; "The Dental Diet". He talks to use today about what he's uncovered. 

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Vitamin K: The Misunderstood Vitamin with Dr Hogne Vik

Jun 15, 16

Vitamin K is a poorly understood fat-soluble vitamin that is making its way out of the shadows and into the light, thanks to new compounds supported by great evidence. Today we look at this evidence - could Vitamin K be the missing link you're looking for in certain conditions?

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