FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine



One in six Australian couples find it difficult to have a baby. The problem can lie with the female (40% of all cases), male (40%), or both partners (10%). In 10% of cases, the cause is unknown. Here, we take a closer look at factors that can affect female fertility, and how they might be resolved. 


Jan 08, 16
DHA Clever Kids

Docohexaenoic acid (DHA) is important for development of the central nervous system in mammals. There is a growth spurt in the human brain during the last trimester of pregnancy and the first postnatal months, with a large increase in the cerebral content of DHA.

Dec 31, 15

Bacteria communicate electrically, just like brain neurons with long-range signalling capacity, according to a recent study.

Dec 25, 15

For the first time, researchers have shown in an experimental model that commensal bacteria may affect hunger and satiety through their influence on gut-brain signals and activation of appetite-regulated brain neurons.

Dec 22, 15

With the growing focus on the human microbiome there has been a profound shift in our understanding of the role of the gut in health and disease.

Dec 21, 15

Vehemently defended by both sides of the fence, the debate for and against fluoridated water has been raging for over 50 years.

Dec 20, 15

A recent meta-analysis published in June of 2015 has shown that saccharomyces boulardii is an effective intervention in the reduction of risk of antibiotic associated diarrhoea (AAD) in both children and adults. 

Dec 18, 15

Did you know that exercising in the heat causes digestive stress? As a result, the walls of the intestines become weaker, allowing harmful bacteria from the digestive tract to leak into the bloodstream.

Dec 15, 15
