FX Medicine

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Taking a look at research that acutely highlights the shortcomings of taking a reductionist view to the application of single strain or species probiotic therapy as an exclusive approach in clinical practice.

Nov 27, 15

Even though the liver is considered the primary organ of detoxification, the integrity of the intestinal epithelial barrier must not be underestimated. The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is a major site for dealing with toxic burden. Over the course of a lifetime, the GIT processes more than 25 tonnes of food, which represents the largest load of antigens and toxins confronting the human body.

Nov 26, 15

Homocysteine is an intermediate produced in the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids. Elevated levels of homocysteine are associated with heart attack, heart disease, vascular disease as well as dementia and cognitive decline, macular degeneration, migraine, neural tube defects and bone fractures.

Nov 17, 15

Ubiquinol is a reasonably new supplement now approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and therefore available to Australian Healthcare Professionals. Prior to its recent addition to the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) CoQ10 was only available in the form of ubiquinone, both forms, are now marketed as supplemental options for coenzyme Q10.

Nov 12, 15

It’s a fairly well accepted notion these days, that we are more exposed, to more chemicals, pollutants and toxins than ever. 

But have you ever stopped and tallied up your average daily exposure?

Nov 06, 15

Zinc carnosine has been quoted as being three times more effective than the singular ingredients, and has greater ulcer healing effects than cimetidine, a first generation anti-ulcer drug with significant drug-drug interactions.

Nov 04, 15

As an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, detoxicant, mucolytic and neuromodulator, the clinical benefit of N-acetylcysteine is supported by a growing number of scientific interventions.

Nov 01, 15

As clinicians, we are in a frontline position to assist people to be more physiologically capable of interfacing with an increasingly toxic world.

Oct 27, 15
