FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine


Jun 30, 15

Reduced glutathione (GSH) is well recognised for its role as a key antioxidant in the body and for its function as an endogenous detoxifier, helping remove toxins and potential carcinogens and it is rapidly depleted by inflammatory conditions. 

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FX MEDICINE PODCAST: The Many Faces of Pain with Elizabeth Cowley

Jun 18, 15

In this episode, Andrew discusses the many faces of pain with naturopath Elizabeth Cowley. They explore how to effectively manage various presentations with herbs, nutrients, diet, and lifestyle interventions.

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Chronic Pain Management

Jun 15, 15

Dr Janet Schloss is a well-known and highly respected Naturopath and Nutritionist who has recently completed her PhD thesis on nutritional supplementation in Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN). Indeed, so powerful were her discoveries during her research that she is now regularly asked to speak internationally to disseminate these clinical implications to improve patient care in hospitals.

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2015 Bioceuticals Symposium Review: Oxidation, Inflammation and Immune Dysfunction

Jun 04, 15

With the help of Dr Mark Donohoe, we will unpack the learning points from the 2015 BioCeuticals Symposium and it's themes of Oxidation, Inflammation and Immune Dysfunction.

Dr Donohoe also touches on the challenges facing modern medicine in the changing terrain of patients who don't fit into a "well-described diagnostic box".

This podcast explores the clinical implications and practical implementation gleaned from the speakers at the 2015 BioCeuticals Symposium. With so much information to revisit, this may be the first of a series.

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Genesis of Disease with Dr Mark Houston

May 22, 15

According to Dr Mark Houston, a world leading integrative cardiologist, the present medical system is broken and will go bankrupt. Unless we change the model and adopt a new paradigm that utilises a functional approach of prevention, we will inevitably face a very serious health crisis.

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FX MEDICINE PODCAST: The Functionality of Cholesterol with Dr Jason Kaplan

May 12, 15

According to Dr Jason Kaplan, an wholistic cardiologist from Sydney, the cholesterol story is changing.

When it comes to prevention of cardiovascular disease, cholesterol and LDL is only part of the picture. The reality is that the majority of people who are treated for heart attacks have normal cholesterol levels.

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Migraines, genes and nutrition with Professor Lyn Griffiths

Feb 03, 15

Migraine is a severe neurological disorder that affects a significant proportion of the population. Prevalence estimates vary between 12 and 25% depending on the population studied. The disorder has a significant genetic component.

In this interview, Andrew talks to Professor Lyn Griffiths on her very promising research which looks at genetic profiling in conjunction with nutraceutical therapies. These clinical trials highlight the potential importance of nutritional interventions in this disorder.

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Major Advances in Curcumin Bioavailability with Dr Michael Murray

Jul 15, 14

Many would be familiar with Dr Murray and his extensive body of work in the field of complementary medicine research. He has published almost 30 books, selling over two million copies, including the seminal clinical reference Textbook of Natural Medicine. He has compiled a database of more than 50,000 scientific studies in the medical literature which provide the strong evidence that natural measures are effective at maintaining good health and treating disease.

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