FX Medicine

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Denis Stewart

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Denis Stewart

Clinical herbalist and Naturopath, Denis Stewart has been in continuous practice for over 40 years and currently conducts busy practices in Newcastle and Cessnock. Referred to as the Godfather of Australian herbalism, Denis spearheaded a Renaissance in Australian herbal medicine in the early 1970’s. At the NSW College of Naturopathic Sciences Denis established and taught the first 3-year full-time program in herbal medicine in Australia. For the National Herbalists’ Association of Australia, Denis constructed professional examinations, course studies and curriculum for herbal training and education. In the late 1970’s, Denis founded the Southern Cross Herbal School, offering undergraduate and post-graduate programs. From 2002-2007, Denis was a Conjoint Associate Professor at the University of Newcastle and helped construct the Bachelor of Herbal Therapies program at the Ourimbah campus. In addition to being a member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society, Denis is also a fellow and life member of the National Herbalists’ Association of Australia, Denis was inducted into the Australian Medicine Society Hall of Fame in 2012. In addition to maintaining clinical practices, Denis broadcasts a weekly podcast on 2NurFM and offers online herbal training.

Nov 21, 2019

Is a loss of traditional herbal medicine applications coming at the expense of the pursuit of science? We get Denis Stewart's perspective. 

Sep 11, 2019

Affectionately known as The Godfather of Australian Herbalism, Denis Stewart is a herbal medicine luminary. Today, as we pick his brain about one of the most tricky areas of clinical practice: chronic, itchy skin conditions.