FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine



Feeling pain is a natural response of the body to protect further damage to tissues and reduce injury and to allow healing to occur. Pain is an alarm system designed for self-preservation. However, when pain becomes chronic or abnormal, this complex and potentially life-saving function can be disabling, stressful, and incapacitating. Pain can turn into nature’s curse, affecting sleep, work, education, social life, and everyday tasks.1,2

Jul 05, 24

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are two neurodevelopmental disorders that typically commence in childhood. ADHD is characterised by presentations of inattention and /or impulsivity-hyperactivity. ASD is defined by social interaction and communication challenges and restrictive-repetitive behaviours with sensory sensitivity and interest differences, but there may also be attention difficulties and hyperactivity. Research suggests two-thirds of those with ADHD demonstrate symptoms of
ASD and that approximately 30-50% of those with ASD also demonstrate symptoms of ADHD, making these conditions strongly intertwined.

Jul 05, 24

Dopamine is a pleiotropic neurotransmitter with essential roles in motivation, reward, movement, cognition, and the modulation of prolactin. Often incorrectly referred to as 'the pleasure molecule'; dopamine is best associated with the ‘want’ to do something, rather than the ‘liking’ or pleasure associated with doing something.1,2

Jun 27, 24

Ocimum sanctum (Holy Basil or Tulsi) is an aromatic herb belonging to the family Lamiaceae.1

Jun 05, 24

Keeping informed on ingredients with clinical evidence to support immune system health has never been more important. One unique and naturally derived immunomodulator, Wellmune®, has demonstrated beneficial immune and health effects across multiple population groups.1

May 28, 24

Vitamin C, well known for its immune support action, forms a major part of most Australian diets, leading to presumptions that clients are meeting nutritional requirements. While this essential vitamin has a plethora of other health benefits, more Australians may be deficient than we realise with the re- emergence of scurvy in modern day populations.

Vitamin C (also known ascorbic acid, AA) is a hydrophilic molecule that is vital for optimal functioning. Humans cannot synthesise vitamin C endogenously as they do not make the enzyme L-gulono-1,4 lactone oxidase which is essential for the biosynthesis of vitamin C.1 Instead, dietary vitamin C must be obtained to ensure daily adequate intake.

May 28, 24


With the declaration of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Australians implemented major restrictions to reduce the respiratory droplet and aerosol contact1 transmission of the novel severe-acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The pandemic prompted public health messaging advising Australians to minimise physical contact, maintain 1.5 metres distance from others, wear a face mask2 and wash and sanitise hands regularly,3 particularly after contact with others. As a predominantly respiratory infection, COVID-19 binds with alveolar and small intestinal epithelial angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors, drawing attention to the gut and respiratory microbiome.4

May 03, 24

The recent resurgence of respiratory infections following the COVID-19 pandemic is a topic of great interest, with the prevalence of viral infections such as influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) on the rise around the globe.1 With COVID-19 still spreading rapidly in many countries,2 the collision of these viruses has been termed a ‘tripledemic’.3 The incidence of bacterial infections such as Streptococcus pneumoniae and group A Streptococcus have also been increasing.4

Whilst the mechanisms behind the rising incidence of these infections are unknown, current thought amongst experts are around the concepts of immunity debt versus immunity theft.

May 03, 24
