FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine

Frequently Asked Questions


The infographics are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. This means they can be freely shared under the following terms:

  • Attribution — Attribution to FX Medicine must be given clearly when re-sharing the graphics, and the attribution should also include a link back to the post containing the graphic.
  • NonCommercial — Infographics may not be used for commercial purposes with prior permission.
  • NoDerivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.
  • No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.


If you would like more information or are interested in using any FX Medicine content for commercial use please contact us.

Would you like to get in touch with us?

Here is how you can  connect with us

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FX Medicine is based in Sydney, Australia. 

I want to promote my business on FX Medicine. What types of advertising are available? Is your audience right for my business?

FX Medicine is a global community dedicated to spreading messages of education, evidence and clinical aptitude to our primary audience of health professionals

FX Medicine is open to advertising enquiries that relate to health professional education/ CPE, or a service that benefits health professionals in their day to day business. 

FX Medicine does not advertise products. 

FX Medicine reserves the right to reject advertising if it is determined to be a conflict of interest with our brand or our stakeholders and partners

If you feel your brand may benefit our audience, please get in contact with us to discuss the options we have available.

Types of advertising

FX Medicine has a range of advertising options including website advertising, podcast sponsorship and social media sharing.

FX Medicine's advertising rates are subject to quarterly change based on growth and visibility data. Our advertising prospectus is available in Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer versions. 



Are fxMED and FX Medicine one in the same, or connected in some way?

FX Medicine is occasionally confused with the New Zealand-based supplement supplier known as "fxMED".

Although we share similarities in our name, and our obvious passion for complementary and integrative medicine, the association ends there!
FX Medicine is not affiliated with fxMED.

FX Medicine is an Australian-based web-community of evidence-based complementary and integrative medicine news, podcasts, research, articles and resources for health professionals and health enthusiasts.

If you meant to find fxMED, you can find them here: www.fxmed.co.nz

Who is the force behind FX Medicine?

FX Medicine is an educational publication which is wholly owned and funded by FIT-BioCeuticals. It was designed and launched to communicate a balanced view of the evidence associated with natural-based therapies.


How FX Medicine was formed... from FX Medicine on Vimeo.

We believe that there is a lack of awareness and understanding within the healthcare community on the evidence-base supporting the use of natural medicines and encourage you and colleagues to join us in our efforts to disseminate this bona fide educational information to the practitioner community.  

Please let us know if you would like to participate in the publication of quality research outcomes or are interested in helping us get this information into the hands of healthcare practitioners.


Can I earn CPE/CPD points on FX Medicine?

At this point in time we have received accreditation from the following organisations for CPE points:

Australian Traditional Medicine Society

The ATMS Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Committee reviews companies and associations that provide webinars, workshops and conferences that are suitable for natural medicine practitioners to complete as part of their continuing education requirements.

Through this review process, FX Medicine was determined to be a reputable organisation providing educational activities considered beneficial to ATMS members and is therefore automatically approved for inclusion in members' CPE. ATMS members will be able to accrue 1 point for each hour of learning time. This is valid for the 2018/2019 financial year and is reviewed annually. 

Other Organisations

At this time, FX Medicine has not received specific communications regarding CPE from other organisations/sources.

Please check with your association directly to determine if FX Medicine content will gain you CPE points. 




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