FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine



Exploring the association between thyroid hormones, multiple sclerosis and remyelination.

Oct 14, 19

So how exactly do happiness, positivity, and socialization improve health? They profoundly influence stress levels, inflammation, and the release of feel-good chemicals, all of which play roles in autoimmune management.

Oct 09, 19

Your inner world deeply affects all aspects of your physical health, including function of the immune system, brain, hormones, and so on. Simply put, positivity makes for better health.

Oct 08, 19

In recent years, the understanding of how the vaginal microbiome impacts health has expanded. The bacterial inhabitants of the vagina not only influence the direct local environment protecting it from infection, ranging from candida, bacterial vaginosis (BV) and sexually transmitted infection acquisition, it also impacts fertility, birth outcomes and possibly the success of IVF.[1] Understanding of the vaginal microbiome environment offers insights into manipulation that have the propensity to change the clinical approach to female health.

Oct 03, 19

The exciting extemporaneous compound palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) provides clinical support for chronic, neuropathic pain and inflammation. ‘PEA is found in severalfood sources, includingsoy bean, soy lecithin,tomato, corn, milk, egg yolks and peanuts.7’

Sep 23, 19
Topical Probiotics May Provide Answers For Eczema

Natural therapists often incorporate internal probiotic supplementation into the eczema regime, respecting the gut-skin axis, but what is commonly overlooked is the impact the microbiome residing on the skin’s surface has on eczema development and progression.

Aug 30, 19
Magnesium Influences Vitamin D Status

In an era where the majority of adults do not meet their recommended daily intakes for magnesium, a team of researchers tested the hypothesis that magnesium supplementation affects vitamin D metabolism.

Aug 16, 19

Recently there has been an explosion in the popularity of drinking 500mL of celery juice each day across celebrity, social media and general wellness circles. But is there any evidence to support the use of celery juice for these purported health benefits? Or is it just another short-lived wellness trend?

Aug 05, 19
