FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine



Replay: Biohacking: Water & The Whirl of Wellness with Dr Michelle Woolhouse and Prof Marc Cohen

Jul 09, 24

Professor Marc Cohen, medical doctor and wellness trailblazer, discusses the amazing benefits of water therapy as a healing tool with Dr Michelle Woolhouse.

michelle_woolhouse's picture

Hormesis and the beneficial role of stress with Dr Michelle Woolhouse and Paul Taylor

Jul 02, 24

Join fx Medicine ambassador Dr Michelle Woolhouse and Paul Taylor for this compelling conversation on the influence stress resistance, the human genome evolution, and our modern lifestyle have on our physical and mental health as we learn that not all stress is bad.

michelle_woolhouse's picture

REPLAY: 4 Perspectives: Immunity in a viral world

Jun 11, 24

Professor Lesley Braun facilitates a conversation with Dr Adrian Lopresti, Dr Damian Kristoff, Emma Sutherland and Dr Michelle Woolhouse, all from different modalities and perspectives looking at immunity.  

Key foundational concepts such as holism and interconnectedness, self care and the importance of convalescence are covered as is a deep dive into key herbs and nutrients to support the immune system. 

We hope this helps support you and your patients negotiate this winter season, the seriously cold weather, and arms you with some practical prescribing perspectives. 

FXMedicine's picture

REPLAY: Integrative Oncology: Support the Patient Holistically with Michelle Woolhouse & Carla Wrenn

Apr 30, 24

Carla Wrenn, naturopath and educator, provides us with her insights into the role the integrative practitioner may play in supporting the oncology patient holistically. 

michelle_woolhouse's picture

Four Perspectives: Burnout: Beyond workplace

Nov 14, 23

This podcast on burnout is a succinct overview for healthcare practitioners, covering diagnostic tools, reframing strategies, and nutritional and herbal solutions to effectively combat burnout. 

FXMedicine's picture

Biohacking: Water and The Whirl of Wellness with Dr. Michelle Woolhouse and Professor Marc Cohen

Jul 18, 23

Professor Marc Cohen, medical doctor and wellness trailblazer, discusses the amazing benefits of water therapy as a healing tool with Dr. Michelle Woolhouse.

michelle_woolhouse's picture

Replay: The Dangers of Excess Screen Time with Dr. Adrian Lopresti and Dr. Nicholas Kardaras

Nov 01, 22

Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, psychologist, international speaker and author describes the physical and psychological impact excessive screen time has on both the adult and child and how practitioners can identify digital addiction. 

Adrian_Lopresti's picture

Integrative Oncology: Supporting the Patient Holistically with Dr. Michelle Woolhouse & Carla Wrenn

Jul 30, 22

Carla Wrenn, naturopath and educator, provides us with her insights into the role the integrative practitioner may play in supporting the oncology patient holistically. 

michelle_woolhouse's picture
