FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine

Dr Lewis Ehrlich

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Dr Lewis Ehrlich

Dr Lewis Ehrlich is passionate about the many links between oral and general health. His mission?: to educate people to take control of their own health and prevent oral health disease and in-turn overall health diseases. Lewis is a highly sought after holistic dentist who graduated from James Cook University (JCU) with the Academic Medal.  Before studying dentistry, he completed a Bachelor of Science at Northeastern University in Boston, USA. Lewis practices, along with his Father and Uncle at Sydney Holistic Dental Centre. Lewis is also a bone marrow donor and this is his proudest achievement. 

Nov 27, 2019

Did you know that optimal dental health can affect athletic performance, heart health and even cancer risk? This is the knowledge that holistic dentist Dr Lewis Ehrlich wishes everyone would learn.

Aug 28, 2019

Dr Lewis Ehrlich practices the true art of integrative medicine in his dental practice and has so much knowledge to share on how we can connect the dots between oral health and systemic disease.