FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine

Social Media for Natural Medicine Professionals

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Here at FX Medicine, sometimes we record episodes that don’t end up being released. Not because they're not great, but possibly because they don't feel like they fit our usual brand DNA, or maybe they've fallen victim to "too many podcasts, too little time" - whatever it may be, with the whole country moving to work-from-home status due to COVID-19, it's given us some breathing room from normal, day-to-day operations to dive back into the archives and dig out some of the episodes that hadn't yet had the opportunity to be heard. These episodes are two such examples....

Many Natural Medicine Professionals both here in Australia and across the globe are in the process of working out methods to adapt and reshape the way they're delivering healthcare due to COVID-19 effectively shutting down the ability to perform face-to-face consultations. As we move to a more tele-health style of service delivery and navigate the multitude of online options for everything from consultations, webinars, e-books and social media, what's becoming abundantly clear, is that we're all at different levels of competence when it comes to the technology at our disposal. 

One area that many practitioners might be stepping into for the first time, or, in a much bigger and more targeted capacity - is social media.

So, if social media isn't your wheelhouse - where do you begin?

In two previously un-released episodes, we spoke with Amie Skilton (recorded in 2016) and Bec Guild (recorded in 2018) about the wide-ranging aspects of social media platforms as they relate to health professionals.

In these episodes, we cover everything from carving your personal brand and which social media platforms suit our profession best, right through to selecting your social media handle and using scheduling tools or virtual assistants to manage your online profiles. 

Social Media for Natural Medicine Professionals with Amie Skilton

Amie is no stranger to navigating the facets of having a media profile. She is a seasoned expert, having been a regular presenter on TV, a key note speaker and educator at major integrative medicine conferences world-wide, a writer for top media publications and all this whilst also running her own clinical practice and blog. 

In this episode we cover:

[00:45] Welcoming back Amie Skilton
[01:17] Maximising social media in natural medicine industry
[02:08] Where to begin?
[02:57] Facebook basics
[06:54] The aspects of your personal brand
[09:28] Sending the right messages to your ideal clients
[11:08] The downsides of Facebook
[13:17] Maximising output with minimal time
[16:00] Using analytics and advertising opportunities
[20:29] Growing your audience on Facebook
[22:36] Professional solicitation
[24:52] Twitter
[35:16] Instagram
[41:37] Limitations of Instagram
[47:04] Picking your medium
[49:09] Shortening URLs
[51:55] Pinterest and LinkedIn
[54:14] Dealing with negativity in social media

Social Media for Natural Medicine Professionals with Bec Guild

Bec is the content manager for FX Medicine and has been a driving force behind the expanding social media presence FX Medicine commands. With FX Medicine being such a small team, she has had to seek out creative ways to deliver the maximum social media presence, with the minimum amount of time and resources. Bec shares some insights into what solutions exist to help practitioners manage their social media presence, she also highlights some of the regulatory and ethical issues to be aware of when considering what you're posting. 

In this episode we cover:

[00:46] Welcoming back Bec Guild
[01:39] What social media places fit our profession?
[07:52] What other social platforms exist?
[08:36] How do we make social media time-effective?
[14:26] Considerations for virtual assistants (VA's)
[17:22] Regulatory and legal issues to be mindful of
[21:34] Navigating ethical issues
[24:05] How do we know what we should be posting?
[26:54] Building your audience
[28:46] The marketing power of social media
[35:24] Dealing with negativity, bullies and trolls online

**Please note, we apologise that unfortunately Bec's episode cuts out at the end. The interview had concluded but the ending was cut out and the file could not be recovered unfortunately. This is why it had sat unreleased. We still felt this information was too worthy of release to continue to hold it back. 


The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided on this site is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional advice or care. Please seek the advice of a qualified health care professional in the event something you have read here raises questions or concerns regarding your health.

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FX Medicine Podcast
FX Medicine is at the forefront of ensuring functional and integrative medicine gains the recognition it deserves and ultimately establishes itself as an integral part of standard medical practice. Hosted by Dr. Adrian Lopresti, Dr. Michelle Woolhouse, Lisa Costa-Bir and Emma Sutherland, our podcasts are designed to promote research and evidence-based therapeutic practises, acting as a progressive force for change and improvement in patient health and wellbeing.