As the most abundant and versatile amino acid in the human body, glutamine supports an impressive variety of biological functions.
Leaky gut doesn’t syndrome exist! Find out why in this episode with Brad Leech, as he takes us through intestinal permeability.
According to Dr Daniel Weber, the gut is the second organ system in evolution and is by far, the most complex.
It is understood that the microbiome differs from person to person, even varying in the same individual at different stages of life, thus influencing which genes are active at any given time. How is this influencing autoimmunity?
We speak to Dr Lise Alshuler to find out; What are the real facts about safety when it comes to supplements alongside cancer therapies?
Looking at the complex interplay of exogenous and endogenous toxicity and the gut microbiota.
Saccharomyces boulardii is a well-researched immunobiotic, which has been shown to restore intestinal integrity and potentially reduce pathogenic gut microbiota.
The human microbiome is sensitive to a variety of environmental factors including food choices, antibiotic usage, other medications, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and even exposure to glyphosate - leaving us vulnerable to autoimmunity in the long term.