Andrew hit the road and chatted with Sally Mathrick from her home-based clinic about her passions in growing or sourcing S.L.O.W foods and detoxification.
Andrew talks to the experts at the 2018 ASBB Environmental Health Conference and Expo
Maria Shaflender shares with us the value she finds in using hair mineral analysis as a clinical tool to craft her individualised treatment plans for a range of conditions from thyroid disorders, children's health, mental health and toxicity.
There has been an increase in the prevalence of food allergies over the past 20 years and it is now becoming an important public health issue.[1-3] Food allergies are defined as an adverse reaction arising from an immune response to a food or foods.[1]
A number of chronic health concerns seen in children are linked to toxicity and resultant oxidative stress, enzyme dysfunction and inflammation. Some examples of these conditions include allergies and chemical sensitivities, immune dysfunction, neurological and behavioural conditions, and cardio-metabolic diseases.
The exposome is the lifetime accumulation of toxic burden, spanning from conception to present day and takes into account your genetic and epigenetic makeup as well as your detoxification capabilities which handle this load.
As excess copper intake and copper levels become increasingly common, molybdenum offers an effective resolution.
Could you recognise the subtle signs of mercury toxicity in patients? Exposure to mercury might be more common than you think! In this podcast we welcome back naturopath, Beth Bundy to share her experience in this area.