Nearly half of all Australian adults will face mental health challenges during their lives - 1 in 5 will experience this each year.1 Sadly, these statistics have become all too familiar, and many
of us have grown desensitised to the magnitude of the ongoing mental wellbeing crisis.
In a world where exhaustion, a culture of busyness, and pushing through have become the norm, addressing these challenges remain as crucial as ever.
Continung on from Part 1, in this episode Beth Bundy takes us through the various ways we can test patient's cortisol and the relevant pros and cons.
When does tiredness become fatigue? How does the clinical picture change and how is a diagnosis reached?
Tammy Guest is an expert in the business of fatigue and the fatigue of running your own business. A successful naturopathic clinician, entrepreneur, published author, mentor and helicopter pilot in-training - today, Tammy shares her personal story of battling burn out, and how she turned this into a major specialisation of her practice.
We welcome back Dr Mark Donohoe to continue his discussion on chronic fatigue syndrome. In this episode find out more about the role of the gut, neural-inflammation and the role of genetics.
Our ability to cope with stress depends largely on the complex interactions between components of our hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis). The adrenal cortex figures prominently in the manifestation of adrenal fatigue due to disregulation of the production of cortisol. Adrenal fatigue is not widely medically recognised, and lies somewhere between the underactivity of Addison’s disease and the overactivity of Cushing’s Disease, where cortisol levels lie at the extremes.
Historically, the adrenal glands have worked to keep us alive during times of stress such as attacks by wild animals and long winters accompanied by limited food availability. Modern-day stressors are often very different, but are incredibly persistent.
Below optimum functioning of the thyroid and adrenals can have deleterious affects on fertility. Stacey Roberts, an international fertility expert, shares her strategies for treating this in her infertility clientele.