This week’s podcast is a fascinating continuation of Professor Marc Cohen and fx Medicine ambassador, Dr Michelle Woolhouse’s previous conversation, where they discuss the joy of health and how we embrace ancient knowledge of applying simple healthy life hacks to boost health and vitality and embrace food as medicine.
Dr Adrian Lopresti and Naturopath Sophia Gerontakos discuss all things adaptogens.
Naturopath and herbalist Paul Keogh discusses the synergy and commonalities between Eastern and Western Herbal Medicine.
It is becoming increasingly clear that the physiological effects of stress can include a negative impact on fertility in both women and men. Evidence for adaptogens is something to consider.
Prof Marc Cohen is a pioneer of the wellness industry. Championing research, mentoring students and occupying positions on many medical and integrative medicine boards. He's also regularly representing the industry in the media. Today we explore his research and the many other functions of his career.
Our ability to cope with stress depends largely on the complex interactions between components of our hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis). The adrenal cortex figures prominently in the manifestation of adrenal fatigue due to disregulation of the production of cortisol. Adrenal fatigue is not widely medically recognised, and lies somewhere between the underactivity of Addison’s disease and the overactivity of Cushing’s Disease, where cortisol levels lie at the extremes.