FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine



The Joy of Health with Dr Michelle Woolhouse and Professor Marc Cohen

Jul 16, 24

This week’s podcast is a fascinating continuation of Professor Marc Cohen and fx Medicine ambassador, Dr Michelle Woolhouse’s previous conversation, where they discuss the joy of health and how we embrace ancient knowledge of applying simple healthy life hacks to boost health and vitality and embrace food as medicine. 

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Diet Confusion and Controversies with Dr Bob Buist

Jan 17, 18

Faced with the plethora of available dietary dictums, how do we decide which diet is right for which patient? Today we are joined by leading nutritional biochemist, Dr Robert Buist to navigate these muddy waters.

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The Art and Science of Kombucha with Dr Matt Ball

Jul 12, 17

In this podcast Dr Matthew Ball talks to Andrew about the art and the science that goes into crafting kombucha beverages and the journey creating the brand Wild Kombucha.



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May 20, 16

Pete Evans has become the iconic face of the Australian Paleo movement and has changed countless lives by inspiring people to adopt healthier eating practices. In this podcast we talk to Pete about his passion for cooking and creating healthy food. 

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Passion for Paleo with Pete Evans

May 20, 16

Pete Evans has become the iconic face of the Australian Paleo movement and has changed countless lives by inspiring people to adopt healthier eating practices. In this podcast we talk to Pete about his passion for cooking and creating healthy food. 

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Mar 22, 16

Dr David Perlmutter shares his comprehensive list of pre and probiotic foods for optimal health of the microbiome.

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Oct 08, 15

Moulds, yeast and fungi. It seems that everywhere moisture, warmth and darkness combine, there they are! Have we underestimated the power of these little fellows to cause harm and chronic illness in our patients? 

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Food Sovereignty and Inherited Toxicity

Sep 23, 15

Growing up in rural New South Wales gave Sarah Lantz a grounded appreciation of food. A connection to food origins is something most of society has now lost, but its an area Sarah is passionate about. Her love for nutritious, local, wholesome food combined with her formal qualifications as a Nutritionist, and her concerns about the abundant and unregulated use of chemicals during food production gave her the perfect springboard to research the toxins transmitted between mother and baby. Suffice to say, analysis of cord blood led to some startling revelations! 

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