FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine



Diet Confusion and Controversies with Dr Bob Buist

Jan 17, 18

Faced with the plethora of available dietary dictums, how do we decide which diet is right for which patient? Today we are joined by leading nutritional biochemist, Dr Robert Buist to navigate these muddy waters.

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Counteracting Insulin Resistance with a Low Carb, High Fat Diet with Prof Tim Noakes

Jan 10, 18

Prof Tim Noakes joins us on FX Medicine to discuss the value and the science for why a low carb, high fat diet is crucial for insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes and how it can apply to competitive endurance athletes.

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Diet and Mental Health with Prof Felice Jacka

May 03, 17

There is chronic, worldwide lack of funding available for research into the impact of diet and lifestyle on mood, behaviour and mental health. Prof Felice Jacka has pioneered an innovative program of research that examines how individuals’ diets and other lifestyle behaviours interact with the risk for mental health problems.

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Mar 25, 16

An objective, and evidentiary look at the pro's and con's of three of the most well known diet dictums; Paleo, Low-Carb-High-Fat and The Mediteranean Diet.

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