Affectionately known as The Godfather of Australian Herbalism, Denis Stewart is a herbal medicine luminary. Today, as we pick his brain about one of the most tricky areas of clinical practice: chronic, itchy skin conditions.
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease that largely affects the skin. It can also be associated with iritis and disturbances in other body systems, such as the gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal systems.
How many skin conditions does curcumin show benefit for? A 2016 systematic review yields some interesting results for clinicians.
Psoriasis can be a confounding condition to treat, often with mixed results through traditional medical treatments. Conversely, an integrative medicine approach has a lot to offer as we explore in this podcast, with naturopathic skin expert Ananda Mahoney.
In this podcast, Amie shares her knowledge and experience in addressing the underlying causes of skin diseases.