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Amie is a qualified Naturopath, Nutritionist, Medical Herbalist, Aesthetician – and a Building Biology student. Clinician, author, formulator and leading industry educator, Amie has been in clinical practice for more than 17 years and has worked concurrently for BioCeuticals for over 14 years as a presenter and writer.
Amie has a special interest in several areas of integrative health including women’s health and hormones, natural fertility, and chronic skin disorders. However, after developing CIRS in 2017, she is now studying Building Biology and is particularly passionate about raising awareness of environmental influences, like mould and EMFs, on health.
You can find out more about Amie via her blog at
What are the key ways to identify whether mould is an underlying factor in your patient's ongoing health issues? In this podcast we will be joined by Amie Skilton who will share with us her personal journey through mould illness and how she has gone one to study Environmental Medicine so she can help others navigate this life-altering, and often under recognised area of health care.
Picking up where we left off in Part 1, Amie Skilton joins us again to talk about how we can influence immuniity with herbal medicines.
Taken from our LIVE interactive podcast: Amie Skilton shares her top five nutrients for a robust immune system and takes us on a deep dive into how sugar, alcohol and sleep can dismantle immunity.
We speak to Amie Skilton, who shares with us the underlying mechanisms driving histamine intolerance.
In today's podcast we're joined by Amie Skilton who takes us through how, at a cellular level, sugar is compromising our immune resilience.
There is a growing clinical demand to deliver certain nutrients and compounds in transdermal preparations. We reached out to Amie Skilton to go over the finer points of transdermal nutrient delivery.
Gut health has a huge impact on the health of the skin, and clincial evidence supports that skin dysfunction is likely indicative (at least in part) of dysfunction deeper in the gastrointestinal tract.
From how to get your first client to creating your business network and navigating those early days in practice. Amie takes us through how to build a successful clinic, and a brilliant, fulfilling career.