FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine

2022 Rener Expo

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FX Medicine Podcast
FX Medicine is at the forefront of ensuring functional and integrative medicine gains the recognition it deserves and ultimately establishes itself as an integral part of standard medical practice. Hosted by Dr. Adrian Lopresti, Dr. Michelle Woolhouse, Lisa Costa-Bir and Emma Sutherland, our podcasts are designed to promote research and evidence-based therapeutic practises, acting as a progressive force for change and improvement in patient health and wellbeing.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

COVID-19 has presented a number of challenges for all of us, but one positive take away is that it is changing the way we view the future of health and wellness. People have begun to prioritise their health, with prevention becoming the primary focus.

As such, the theme for this year's Rener Expo is "The Future of Health" where the keynote speakers this year will be presenting you with how they envision the future of health shaping up to be. In addition to the speaker sessions, 28 leading suppliers will be on hand to showcase their productions and information.

FX Medicine's Dr. Adrian Lopresti will be speaking at the Expo, on the topic of Understanding the Neurobiology of Dopamine Signalling & Holistic Support of Dopaminergic Signalling.

Dr. Lopresti will review the latest research on the relationship between dopamine, addictions, and conditions such as ADHD. In addition, he will discuss how dietary, lifestyle, environmental, and biological factors that can affect dopamine production and signalling, helping to optimise dopaminergic activity in patients. Adrian will also present treatment options for naturopaths and integrative practitioners that can help normalise dopamine activity, reduce cravings and impulsivity, and improve attention, learning, and general mood.

This a free event!

What: The 2022 Rener Expo
Where: Pagoda Resort and Spa, Como WA
When: Wednesday, 19th October, 2022
Cost: Free!

For more information and to register, visit eventleaf.com/e/RenerExpo22

Pagoda Resort and Spa, Como WA
Event Date: 
Wednesday, October 19, 2022 - 09:00 to 19:00
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