FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine

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This podcast on burnout is a succinct overview for healthcare practitioners, covering diagnostic tools, reframing strategies, and nutritional and herbal solutions to effectively combat burnout. 
michelle_woolhouse's picture
Sage King, fertility naturopath and nutritionist and LGBTQIA+ advocate discusses the importance of inclusivity when working with gender and minority groups in a healthcare practice.
michelle_woolhouse's picture
Join Nick Bracks, male mental health activist, on this patient-centred conversation on tackling the mental health challenges faced by men, and top tips to overcoming this ongoing health issue....
emma_sutherland's picture
Dr. Jade Teta, Naturopath, author and podcast host, describes the connection between metabolism, hormones and weight management. 
michelle_woolhouse's picture
Dr. Nicole Nelson explores the risk factors connected to breast cancer development and outlines recommendations, therapeutics and testing available to clinicians for prevention. 
emma_sutherland's picture
Gastroenterologist Dr. Will Bulseiwicz shares how to create and maintain a healthy and balanced gut microbiome.
emma_sutherland's picture
Keonie Moore, naturopath and mother, shares her experience and wisdom on accurately recognising and treating Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections...
Lisa Costa-Bir's picture
Sandra Villella and ambassador Lisa Costa-Bir share their clinical perspectives and practice pearls on best managing PMDD. 
emma_sutherland's picture
Dr. Felice Gersh, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist discusses the role metabolism plays in maintaining mitochondrial function in overall health, metabolic inflexibility, the connection between blood...
michelle_woolhouse's picture
Professor Lisa Wood discusses asthma and the pulmonary system’s relationship with gastrointestinal health, impact of dietary fats, pollution, and obesity on lung health. 
Adrian_Lopresti's picture
Dr. Cliff Harvey, Registered Clinical Nutritionist, describes the risk factors and role of nutritional status in post-COVID syndrome and shares treatment options to support this cohort. 
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Birth education advocates and researchers Dr. Kate Levett and Dr. Kerry Sutcliffe discuss the importance of providing women and their supporting network with the knowledge and strategies for a...
Adrian_Lopresti's picture
Dr. Emeran Mayer, gastroenterologist and gut-brain expert, takes us through the impact of modern day life on the gut microbiome.  
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Dr. Jerilynn Prior and Emma Sutherland provide insights into ovulatory disturbances, emphasising their adaptive nature and reversible characteristics.
michelle_woolhouse's picture
Professor Craig Hassed and Dr. Michelle Woolhouse discuss the fascinating world of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI), connecting the brain, nervous and immune systems and their impact on health. 
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Dr. Kristina Harris Jackson, omega-3 specialist, and FX Medicine Ambassador Emma Sutherland deep dive into fish oils
