Currently there is a lot of debate about whether organically-grown produce is better for your health than non organically-grown produce. However, most of the arguments don't dig deep enough to get to the truth.
In today’s podcast, Dr Liza Oates discusses her PhD research into this very topic to answer this question once and for all. Instead of measuring nutritive value, Dr Oates measured the effects of consuming an organically-grown versus non organically-grown diet and found startling results! Dr Oates also shares practical hints and tips whereby we can all gain the most from eating a truly healthy diet.
Liza Oates is a naturopathic practitioner and mentor based at Malvern Natural Health Care in Victoria.
Her doctoral research investigated the health and wellness effects of organic diets. As part of this research she developed innovative dietary assessment tools, ran organic consumer surveys and tested the level of pesticide residues in the urine of adults who consume organic compared to conventional foods. She has presented the findings at conferences in Australia, Poland, South Korea and The Czech Republic, and will be discussing ‘Food Toxicants” at the ACNEM Conference in Sydney in 2016.
In 2007 Liza developed the Food as Medicine course for the Postgraduate Wellness program at RMIT University. She is the course co-ordinator and lecturer for Food as Medicine and Wellness Practices & Perspectives at RMIT, and supervises naturopathic student clinics at Endeavour College of Natural Health and Southern School of Natural Therapies. She has taught Nutrition, Complementary Medicine in Chronic Diseases and Health Enhancement to naturopathic and medical students.
Liza has appeared as an expert guest on ‘Insight’ and ‘The Project’, is a contributing author to Herbs & Natural Supplements: an evidence based guide (all four editions) and Complementary therapies and the management of diabetes and vascular disease, and has published over 40 peer-reviewed journal articles.
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