FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine


Mar 23, 16

This is the inaugural conference from AIMA and CMA presenting: Nature | Science | Practice: How science-based natural approaches are changing medicine

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2015 Bioceuticals Symposium Review: Oxidation, Inflammation and Immune Dysfunction

Jun 04, 15

With the help of Dr Mark Donohoe, we will unpack the learning points from the 2015 BioCeuticals Symposium and it's themes of Oxidation, Inflammation and Immune Dysfunction.

Dr Donohoe also touches on the challenges facing modern medicine in the changing terrain of patients who don't fit into a "well-described diagnostic box".

This podcast explores the clinical implications and practical implementation gleaned from the speakers at the 2015 BioCeuticals Symposium. With so much information to revisit, this may be the first of a series.

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