Dr Ron Ehrlich covers controversial issues in dentistry including the re-mineralisation of enamel, root canal therapy and the health issues surrounding mercury amalgam fillings.
Dr Lewis Ehrlich practices the true art of integrative medicine in his dental practice and has so much knowledge to share on how we can connect the dots between oral health and systemic disease.
Fluoride is primarily known for its effect in strengthening the enamel. However, despite this mechanism of action, tooth decay is still considered to be a significant problem in Australia and one that water fluoridation has obviously not resolved.
The important antioxidant N-acetylcysteine is at the centre of an expanding field of research investigating its benefits in chronic and persistent infections.
Vehemently defended by both sides of the fence, the debate for and against fluoridated water has been raging for over 50 years.
We often think of good bacteria in our small and large intestines, but what about our mouth? Today we explore the oral microbiome with holistic dentist, Dr Steven Lin.