FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine


May 01, 24

The immune system is significantly complex in its physiology and functionality. Maintaining homeostasis involves an intricate interaction between the innate and adaptive immune systems, and the cells, receptors, molecules and chemical substances that comprise these systems.1

This complexity also extends to the impact of many factors on immune function, including diet and nutritional status, lifestyle, physical activity levels, age, stress, microbiome composition, and
physiological and genetic variability.2-4

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May 25, 17

Cold sores are one of the most common recurrent viral infections in the world, with 20 to 40% of adults infected at some point during their lifetime. With concerns over the rise of drug resistant viral strains, researchers have been investigating efficacy of natural alternatives such as lysine, zinc, Echinacea purpurea (echinacea) and Melissa officinalis (lemon balm).

Melissa_Peterson's picture
May 19, 17

A recent study has shown that formulae containing Echinacea purpurea may be as effective as Oseltamivir, an antiviral medication used to treat and prevent influenza A and influenza B, in the early treatment of clinically diagnosed influenza virus.

amy_jordan's picture
Oct 10, 16

Getting sick when pregnant is a nightmare because normal medical therapies often cannot be used. Instead traditional remedies are called upon to offer relief from illness.

Stacey_Roberts's picture

Pregnancy: Safe Immune Support

May 25, 16

There's nothing worse than getting sick whilst pregnant. Our fertility expert, Stacey Roberts takes us through the safe approaches pregnant women can take if they're faced with acute illness.

FXMedicine's picture
May 23, 16

Recent research shows echinacea can reduce recurrent respiratory tract infections by 50% when compared to placebo.

Melissa_Peterson's picture
May 03, 16

Despite extensive research, the true value of echinacea may yet be undiscovered. Esteemed German researcher and echinacea specialist Rudolph Bauer believes he knows why science has failed this medicinal herb.

Melissa_Peterson's picture