FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine

Part 1: Integrative Therapies for Drug Detoxification

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Part 1: Integrative Therapies for Drug Detoxification

Greg Mapp is one of the founders of Mirikai, the revolutionary drug detoxification facility situated on the Gold Coast. The centre is now government funded and has grown into one of the largest of such centres in Australia. 

In part one of the two part series Greg takes us through the history of the clinic and how medical care of illicit drug detox commonly involves integrative therapies and judicial supplementation to manage symptoms experienced by patients.

Adjunct Associate Professor Greg Mapp is an Australian trained and accredited pharmacist with extensive practical experience in integrative medicine. He has Graduate Diplomas in Clinical Nutrition and Herbal Medicine from the University of New England. Presently, he lectures in complementary medicine, pharmacy practice and pharmacotherapeutics at Griffith University's School of Pharmacy.

Since graduating from the University of Queensland, Greg has owned three pharmacies, currently holding a partnership in a medical centre pharmacy in northern New South Wales. Greg works in the pharmacy part-time and has successfully incorporated fee-based consultations to meet increasing customer demand for an integrative approach to healthcare.

With his expertise and practical experience in the field of integrative medicine, Greg also regularly presents on this topic at both national and international pharmacist conferences including AACP conferences on the Gold Coast and conferences in India, Fiji and New Zealand.

Other Podcasts with Greg:

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