FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine


Dec 03, 15

Saccharomyces boulardii (SB) is a beneficial probiotic, non-colonising yeast. It modulates the host’s innate gastrointestinal (GIT) immune response and improves GIT integrity.

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Mythbusting Lactate-Producing Probiotics

Dec 02, 15

Belinda Reynolds explores the pathogenesis of D-Lactate and reveals it may not be the culprit first thought, but rather a victim of circumstance.


FXMedicine's picture
Nov 30, 15

The human detoxification system is a delicate and complex process involving three distinct phases.  However, it is only very recently that we have elucidated the function and significance of Phase III. We now understand that any successful therapeutic management of detoxification requires us to restore, manage and augment this phase, which can then have profound implications for health and resilience.

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Nov 27, 15

Taking a look at research that acutely highlights the shortcomings of taking a reductionist view to the application of single strain or species probiotic therapy as an exclusive approach in clinical practice.

andrew_whitfieldcook's picture
Oct 16, 15

Results from a new study suggest microbial diversity of the oral and intestinal mucosa in patients with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) has a significant impact on the risk for infectious complication in the first three months of induction chemotherapy.

andrew_whitfieldcook's picture
Oct 08, 15

Moulds, yeast and fungi. It seems that everywhere moisture, warmth and darkness combine, there they are! Have we underestimated the power of these little fellows to cause harm and chronic illness in our patients? 

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Food Sovereignty and Inherited Toxicity

Sep 23, 15

Growing up in rural New South Wales gave Sarah Lantz a grounded appreciation of food. A connection to food origins is something most of society has now lost, but its an area Sarah is passionate about. Her love for nutritious, local, wholesome food combined with her formal qualifications as a Nutritionist, and her concerns about the abundant and unregulated use of chemicals during food production gave her the perfect springboard to research the toxins transmitted between mother and baby. Suffice to say, analysis of cord blood led to some startling revelations! 

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The Microbiome: Beyond the Gut

Aug 19, 15

Not too long ago, beneficial bacteria was only thought about in relation to the gastrointestinal ecology. However in recent years we have discovered that the body plays host to a myriad of distinct bacterial colonies that play a vital role in health and disease.

In this episode Andrew and Dr Mark Donohoe discuss the microbiome beyond the gut with a focus on the reproductive system. As well as offering up some diet and lifestyle interventions that we as hosts can use to ensure the health of our resident bugs.

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