Carla Wrenn, naturopath and educator, provides us with her insights into the role the integrative practitioner may play in supporting the oncology patient holistically.
Sharee Johnson, registered psychologist and executive coach describes what contributes to practitioner burnout and identifies ways to prevent the practitioner experiencing burnout and support their recovery.
Dr Michelle Woolhouse and Nicole Bijlsma emphasize the importance of taking a comprehensive environmental exposure history.
Dr Adrian Lopresti is joined by Dr Michelle Jongenelis, to discuss how we can create lasting behavioural change in our clients.
Nutritionist Cherry Wills takes us through the high prevalence of Non-Communicable Diseases and the core principles of the Metabolic Balance program.
Something so simple, taking a relaxing bath, can now be considered an evidence-based lifestyle prescription. A recent randomised, controlled, cross-over study from Japan has found that the benefits of a hot bath for just 10 minutes a day improves both physical and emotional aspects of quality of life.
We are joined by holistic dietician and nutritionist, Natalie Bourke who takes us through her professional and personal expertise on eating disorders.
It is estimated that Multiple Sclerosis (MS) affects up to 2.5 million people, making it one of the most widespread, disabling neurological conditions affecting young adults in the world. In the U.S alone, up to 200 new cases of MS are diagnosed each week.