Histamine is a chemical compound that is involved in the immune system response. Histamine is often associated with allergies and their associated symptoms such as sneezing, headaches, nasal congestion and breathing difficulties.
In the first study of its kind, researchers have evaluated the effects of vitamin B12 combined with dietary protein on methionine metabolism, placental gene expression and DNA methylation in pregnant women with low vitamin B12 status.
From 1950, vitamin B12 has been considered an effective analgesic in some countries. With multiple roles in the human body, B12 is consistently showing promise in the treatment of many chronic diseases and conditions.
Serum levels of vitamin B12 play an important role in cognitive and mental health. Observational studies have found as many as 30% of patients hospitalised for depression to be deficient in vitamin B12.
Homocysteine is an intermediate produced in the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids. Elevated levels of homocysteine are associated with heart attack, heart disease, vascular disease as well as dementia and cognitive decline, macular degeneration, migraine, neural tube defects and bone fractures.