This week’s podcast episode is a fascinating look at the ever-evolving world of food allergy management. Food allergy expert Dr Douglas Jones joins fx Medicine ambassador Emma Sutherland to unpack the intricacies of food allergy management.
We speak to Amie Skilton, who shares with us the underlying mechanisms driving histamine intolerance.
Histamine is a chemical compound that is involved in the immune system response. Histamine is often associated with allergies and their associated symptoms such as sneezing, headaches, nasal congestion and breathing difficulties.
Navigating the world of EoE with her own daughter, naturopath, sports scientist and former Olympian, Nicole Hannan has become...
If you struggle with allergy symptoms like a stuffy, runny nose, sneezing, irritable eyes or an itchy throat, you’re not alone - around one in five people in Australian and New Zealand suffer from allergic rhinitis.[1]
The major drivers for allergy and atopy are multifactorial and complex but indeed, almost all circumstances relate back to modernisation and the industrial revolution.
Australian Research demonstrates: a baby’s allergies can start to develop already in utero and may be influenced by the mother’s habits whilst pregnant
Treating kids can be difficult at the best of times and knowing when to undertake testing and what tests are appropriate can be even more confusing, in today's episode, Beth Bundy helps to navigate the waters.