Dr. Adrian Lopresti and Dr. Judy Lovas discuss relaxation techniques to reduce levels of stress, or distress for our clients.
Integrative and Functional Medicine practitioner Dr Sally Price discusses how singing can boost the immune system and how to keep our voices in optimal shape.
Naturopath, Amy Mingin has combined her love of yoga and her skills as a naturopath, to create "Naturopathic Yoga". Today she shares what this is with Andrew.
Practitioner Training Event: Learn the Buteyko Breathing Techniques and add a new dimension to your practice.
According to Mim Beim, teaching patients to breath better helps them heal faster. Today she shares some insights into Buteyko and diaphragmatic breathing and the diversity of benefits it offers as an adjunct in naturopathic treatment.
Practitioner Training Course: The Oxygen Advantage by leading breathing expert, Patrick McKeown
A 2016 Cochrane review suggests that yoga may have a beneficial effect on the symptoms and quality-of-life (QOL) in people with asthma. Yoga has its foundation in movement, but equally central to yogic practice and its benefits is the breathing, or pranayama.