FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine



Ask the average person what their thyroid actually does and you’re likely to be met with a blank stare! So what does it do? And what happens when things go wrong?

Feb 03, 17

In a 2016 published study, researchers evaluated the anti-stress, cognitive and neurophysiological effects of L-theanine in healthy adults. They found this amino acid was effective at reducing stress levels after various cognitive stress tests.

Jan 27, 17

Improvements in brain white matter may be a good predictive measure of omega 3 benefit in depression. 

Jan 23, 17

Evidence shows that certain complementary medicines hold great value in the treatment of mood disorders. We take a look at some of the recent research.

Jan 20, 17

Are D-Lactate producing probiotic strains a risk for chronic fatigue sufferers? Belinda Reynolds takes a look at the evidence...

Jan 16, 17

Resveratrol shows promise as a therapy for stabilising amyloid proteins in Alzheimer's patients

Jan 13, 17

It seems that everywhere we look these days, there is something being written or spoken about MTHFR or methylation. However, should we be relying on this as a single focus for treatment? 

Jan 09, 17

Serum levels of vitamin B12 play an important role in cognitive and mental health. Observational studies have found as many as 30% of patients hospitalised for depression to be deficient in vitamin B12.

Jan 06, 17
