Dr David Perlmutter shares his comprehensive list of pre and probiotic foods for optimal health of the microbiome.
Prof. Cordain wrote the best-selling book, The Paleo Diet. We talk to him about the premise behind the Paleo Diet, his take on dairy, and what he eats on a typical day.
The word “detox” has taken on a much broader and more dynamic meaning over the past two decades. It now encompasses the removal of both the everyday physical and emotional toxins of life.
With emerging evidence that vitamin D may mediate immunomodulatory effects in patients with IBD, this study aimed to assess a specific supplementation regimen of vitamin D to increase serum 25(OH)D to 100-125nmol/L, and to evaluate change in disease activity.
People who suffer from anxiety are four times more likely to develop ulcers compared to those who don’t, according to results from a ten year prospective study.
Referring clients to access yoga, meditation and mindfulness services for the control and treatment of stress is supported by research.
Research shows we emit a microbial cloud into our surroundings that is as unique as a fingerprint.
Review the stress response and the evidence-based approaches to the natural treatment of stress and anxiety.